LCG’s UPLAN suite of models address the evolving theory and reality of competitive markets.
Our software have withstood the rigors of regulatory hearings and public scrutiny in markets
around the world, and provides users with unparalleled accuracy and flexibility.
At LCG Consulting, we enable industry players to make optimal decisions in the complex and
sometimes confusing energy marketplace. We offer an outstanding mix of professional consulting
expertise, teamwork, and continuing software development. We work closely with market players
and help our clients in the judicious management of resources in an uncertain and sometimes
unstable world.
Please select from the following links to learn more about our software offerings.
The Electric Competitive Analysis and Marketing System
An integrated LMP based model providing unequaled insight into the physical & financial
operations of electricity networks
Day Ahead and Real Time Market Simulation
UPLAN-ACE simulates the day-ahead and real-time electricity markets,
optimizes daily unit commitment to model the day-ahead market and
produces 15 minute settlement LMPs and ancillary service prices.
The Gas Procurement and Competitive Analysis System
UPLAN-G provides tools for optimal portfolio selection, gas dispatch,
pipeline sizing, facilities planning, and demand-side analysis
Generation and Transmission Planning and Optimization
Generator X (Gen X) gives utilities, policy makers, investors, system operators,
consultants and market participants strategic insight into the future of the power grid.
A Battery Simulation Model
It updates each battery's charging and discharging costs for the current hour’s operation of LPOPF, security constraint unit commitment(SCUC), and Economic dispatch (SCED) for all resources in the network, including Ancillary services. The Optimal Power Flow (LPOPF) program is used to dispatch the battery.
ADP: The Automatic Daily Processor retrieves daily data from ISO and Market Daily and provides a weekly update before the market opens.